Praise for Vernon Howard

This includes letters of appreciation and e-mails.

David P. Bushnell, Developer of Bushnell Binoculars
    “After making millions of people ‘far-sighted’ I now get more satisfaction turning their sight within for greater vision. Vernon Howard’s books do just that.”

J. W., New York
    “I work as a waitress at a restaurant. Ordinarily, when things get a little crazy (slow kitchen, out of items, impatient guests, mixed up orders, too many tables, etc.) I have a very intense panic, anxiety, ‘I’m going to quit’ type of reaction. This evening, I did not have this reaction. I ‘flowed’ right through it. I made 80% more (and this is the truth) in tips than my average Saturday evening. And this was an evening that was apparently especially chaotic according to my work mates. Although a part of me noticed and was aware of this chaos, I gave it no attention.
     I am quite certain that there will be tremendous positive changes in other areas of my life and the lives of those that I may have an effect on.
     I am truly amazed and grateful!!!”

Lady in Illinois
    “Vernon has taken the wisdom of all the ages and provided it in an understandable way. His brilliance shines brightly in my life and I am so grateful. Thank you Vernon ... thank you from the bottom of my soul and my heart. Your work upon this earth was not easy but you did it anyway. And thank you to New Life for your work that continues the shining light of this wonderful man.”

Man in Virginia
    “I embarked on a serious study of these principles more than 3 years ago, but first began reading Vernon Howard’s books about 10 years ago. At first, I didn’t even know what the teachings were about though I was attracted to them.
    Now my life is much simpler. There is more clarity, less problems, more efficiency, more time to accomplish things, less involvement in useless activities, far less association with lost people, more ability to organize, less debt, more peace, more ability to understand cause and effect, more spiritual perception, more relaxation, improved health, cleanliness, far less interest in watching TV or movies, improved intelligence, more compassion and understanding, etc. Now I take as much time as possible throughout the day for contemplation and practical awareness.”

Jenee S.
    “Vernon Howard is definitely NOT, in my opinion, to be categorized as Metaphysics. His teachings are from infinite intelligence, infinite love, infinite health, infinite supply ... absolute truth. Fact!”

Dennis D.
    “To say that Vernon Howard has helped me is a drastic understatement. I compare it to living in a world of drabby black and white images and then being introduced to crisp, clear colors for the first time. He has helped me find a new universe — the universe within me.”

Bonnie H.
    “In 2005 I got divorced, my children got so angry with me they haven’t spoken to me since and I made a very disastrous financial
mistake. I now live in a small apartment instead of the beautiful home I once had. Am I complaining? NO WAY! I can say with all truthfulness that I am happier than I have ever been. I live alone but am not lonely. I almost never experience boredom even though I spend many hours alone. I have faced some very painful truths about myself but thanks to Vernon Howard I began to see them as ways to real freedom. Guilt was a constant companion for most of my life and letting go of it is a gift beyond price. With great love.”

Doug Stewart, Television Producer
    “It is absolutely certain — New Life has the true solutions to life.”

Regina N.
    “His books and talks have lifted my spirit to far greater heights than I ever thought possible.”

Man in Australia
    “I am very grateful to have come across Vernon Howard’s teachings! It’s such a relief. Truly the world doesn’t need James Bond; it needs Vernon Howard!”

Alice S.
    “Vernon Howard books are like a magic lantern. They not only show you the way but they actually take you there.”

Dr. R. D., Ph.D., DD
    “Many thanks! These teachings are the clearest and most vivid exposition available of the Ageless Wisdom contained in the New Testament and so many other so-called ‘sacred’ books. That is why I have worked with Vernon’s message via books and talks personally for many years now — and also present them to those I counsel in the nondenominational ministry which comprises my work. It’s time that we all evolve out of ‘religiosity’ into what is authentic.
    All the material is so very helpful.”

Vernon Howard® New Life Foundation PO Box 2230 Pine AZ 85544
(928) 476-3224
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